LASAR is your one stop shop for parts.
We inventory over 9000 Mooney parts, and offer worldwide shipping. Contact our parts specialist today at (707) 263-0581.
New Bushings for the Landing Gear and Retraction System. Wear resistant Aluminum Nickel Bronze high strength material for all Mooney Models. Standard Sizes and Oversize STC’D.
New STC June 2011 approves LASAR Rebuilt Upper Nose Gear Truss with Turning Stops
These Quality Rebuilt Steering Horns are improved with Heat Treated “T” Shafts and tough Aluminum-Nickel- Bronze Bushings—Made to last!
New STC June 2011 approves LASAR Rebuilt Upper Nose Gear Truss with Turning Stops. The truss is rebuilt to new specifications, heat treated and epoxy primered.
New production Gear Tools for setting correct gear download torque settings. MLG Tool $155 NLG Tool $135 Set $290
LASAR With over 35 years of experience offers Parts that are designed to last.