900 F Sky Park Road, Lakeport, CA 95453
(707) 263-0452
Mooney Registration #__________ Year______Model_______ Date of Inspection _____________
X = OK , O= Needs Attention
☐ Exterior, look for, dents. New, misaligned or non OEM rivets, high rivets, loose rivets
☐ New skins, or “non OEM" quality repairs from residual damage or evidence of damage history
☐ Glass clarity: smokey, crazed, or cracked & "stop drilled'
☐ Exterior corrosion (primarily @ lap joints), or flap hinges
☐ Tanks, Leaking or Seeping @ rivets or screws
☐ Gas smell in cockpit? Or staining along Main spar or wing interior ?
☐ Tank leaks in gear well top at inspection panels and inside look @ sealant
☐ Fuel caps lock cam wear and O rings not cracked
☐ Fuel drains proper or leaking. Removable type?________
☐ Cabin door handle security & engagement
☐ Check seats for condition of foam and backs for structural failure
☐ Cams for distorsion or wear and ease of operation
☐ Seat tracks for condition and dirt or corrosion & stops
☐ Gear Handle (Johnson Bar) for boots & down latch for wear
☐ Labels and required Placards and Switches and CBs identified
☐ Magnetic Compass for fluid and correction card
☐ Soundproofing or SB M20-208B compliance
☐ Condition of Plastic and interior upholstery (Fire certification for new upholstery)
☐ PMA Tags on Seat Belts
☐ Shoulder Harness properly configured
☐ Check ground control and runup-mags, idle & prop
☐ Fuel selector and fuel drain for markings and ease of operation
☐ Check RPM and Tach for accuracy & range markings
☐ Check rigging (A/P on and off)
☐ Check all controls and gauges
☐ Check Avionics and VOR accuracy
☐ Check flaps up speed (12 sec.)
☐ Engine smoothness or vibration
☐ Gear warning horn operration
☐ Gear shock absorbers at limits, cracked or "old style" obsolete Date? ________
☐ Nose Truss, Dents from over-steering or excessive play (unloaded) Steering Horn Play ?____
☐ Check Exterior lights and interior lighting: Panel, enunciators, avionics and Cabin lighting
☐ Check brake discs and pads for wear or corrosion or cupping
☐ Tire Wear & sidewall aging
☐ Check for corrosion in tail section, main and stub spar cap, gear wells, and battery compartment
☐ Leaking Windows, etc.
☐ Flight Control Balance records (required after repaint)
☐ Log Book Entries if plane repainted
☐ Muffler System for cracks or flame tubes and/or Turbo Cracked
☐ Exhaust system/ Intake/ Intact & properly clamped
☐ Engine mount secure, cracks, beef up mod (M20-175 &192) , surface condition & paint
☐ Check Cylinder Fins for cracks @ Exhaust Port
☐ Lord mounts compressed, cracked or installed correctly
☐ Run Engine. Check for smoothness, balance, and engine noise
☐ Engine leaking oil: case, cylinders, hoses, push rods etc.
☐ Compression check all cylinders while hot. Check Plugs for oil & wear, Insp. Cyls
☐ Remove and open oil filter, inspect oil and filter/screen for metal (alum/steel)
☐ Inspect Oil Cooler damage, leaks, cracks, & operation (warm)
☐ Probes, tranducers & wiring
☐ Log books (all –none missing), POH ( current revision) , aircraft “ARROW” documents intact ?
☐ Equipment list and Weight and Balance current
☐ Logbook inspection only ( any record of damage history?)
☐ Last Annual ____________________ SMOH__________________ and Major O/H records ____________________________________
☐ ELT battery date _____________ Due:__________________Type: _________________________
☐ O2 Hydro date ________________ Due:__________________ Steel___ Aluminum___ Composite ___
☐ AD list: ADs and reoccurring and important SBs ______________________________________________________________________
☐ Total Times for Engine________________ Propeller:________________________________, Aircraft __________________________
☐ Propeller times since service: ___________
Notes: ____________________________________________________________________________
☐ IFR Certification Date ______________ Due:______________
☐ Records of Modifications & Repair 337’s complete?__________________________________________________________________________________
☐ Misc Notes & Discrepancies ________________________________________________________
Disclaimer: We assume no liability for ultimate condition of this aircraft based on this "Pre-buy Evaluation". This evaluation is not equivalent to an annual inspection which takes 24-32 hours on most Mooneys according to the Factory. This evaluation, usually 19 man hours, utilizing 7 hours of time for flight check and paper work inspection, and 6 hours of mechanical inspection, with 6 hours for the opening and closing of panels investigating common areas where problems can occur. Normally we are listing discrepancies requiring maintenance. This is not really an appraisal either, as we are not listing positive qualities of this aircraft. Damage history may not be noted or detected unless poor repairs are obvious. Usually our inspectors are not aware if the airplane is being represented as "no damage history". Special attention to the history and other matters may be requested at the time of evaluation, but may not necessarily be included in the estimated 19 hours.